The following page lists details of publications from past meetings.
DHA 43 - Leeds, United Kingdom - 2024
A Special Issue will be published in 2025 by the MDPI journal Heritage, featuring contributions from papers presented at the 43rd meeting of the DHA hosted by the Society for Dyers and Colourists, UK.
Access the special issue here.
A printed edition of this Special Issue will be available.
DHA 42 - Copenhagen, Denmark - 2023
A Special Issue published in 2024 by the MDPI journal Heritage, featuring contributions from papers presented at the 42nd meeting of the DHA hosted in Copenhagen by the University of Copenhagen in collaboration with the National Museum of Denmark, the Centre for Textile Research (CTR), the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, and the Danish School of Conservation, can be found here.
A printed edition of this Special Issue will be available.
DHA 41 - Visby (Gotland), Sweden - 2022
A Special Issue published in 2023 by the MDPI journal Heritage, featuring contributions from papers presented at the 41st meeting of the DHA hosted by the Swedish National Heritage Board in Visby (Gotland), can be found here.
A printed edition of this Special Issue is available here.
DHA 37-40 - Lisbon, Amsterdam, London - 2018-2021
In March 2023, Archetype Publications published a volume edited by Jo Kirbythat includes papers presented at the 37th, 38th and 40th meetings of the DHA group at NOVA University of Lisbon (2018), the University of Amsterdam (2019) and the online conference hosted by the British Museum, London (2021).
The topics covered in this edition vary from the dyes of South America, Mesopotamia, Austria, 17th - 19th Century Flanders and England to the use of lichen, lac and redwood lake as pigments and cochineal for paints and inks.
More information here.
DHA 35-36 - Pisa, London - 2016-2017
In July 2021, Archetype Publications published a volume edited by Jo Kirbythat includes papers presented at the 35th and 36th meetings of the DHA group at Pisa (2016) and Hampton Court (2017).
Sources of yellow natural dyes are a running theme throughout this volume. Other topics included, the fascinating story of Cornelis Drebbel, the scarlet cochineal dye he discovered and its subsequent history; a Victorian carpet manufacturer who used the lichen dye cudbear; and non-destructive methods of examination of Japanese textiles.
More information here.
DHA 33-34 - Glasgow, Thessaloniki - 2014-2015
In March 2021, Archetype Publications published a volume edited by Jo Kirby that includes papers presented at the 33rd and 34th meetings of the DHA group held in Glasgow (2014) and Thessaloniki (2015).
The papers in this volume range from the advent of synthetic dyes to the use of non-invasive spectrometric methods to examine dyes and pigments.
More information here.
DHA 31 - Antwerp - 2012
A Special Issue of e-Preservation Science (e-PS) published in 2013 by Morana RTD, featuring contributions from papers presented at the 31st meeting of the DHA group held at the Katoen Natie HeadquARTers, Antwerp, Belgium, can be found here.
DHA 22-26 - Various venues - 2003-2007
In August 2017, Archetype Publications published, "The Diversity of Dyes In History and Archaeology", a volume edited by Jo Kirbythat includes selected papers presented at various venues which hosted the 22nd to 26th meetings of the DHA group.
More information here.
DHA 16-21 - Various venues - 1997-2002
Selected papers presented at various venues which hosted the 16th to the 21st meetings of the DHA group were published by Archetype Publications, edited principally by Jo Kirby between 2001-2008.
More information here.
DHA 7-15 - Various venues - 1988-1996
Selected papers presented at various venues which hosted the 7th to the 15th meetings of the DHA group were published by Textile Research Associates, edited by Penelope Walton Rogers between 1989-1997.
DHA 1-6 - Various venues - 1982-1987
Selected papers presented at various venues which hosted the 1st to the 6th meetings of the DHA group (then the Dyes on Historical andArchaeological Textiles group) were published by the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland, later the National Museums of Scotland, edited by Helen Dalrymple and others between 1982-1988.